BaBa ZuLa is one of the rare groups in Turkey that we cannot categorise within a specific genre; they have become Turkey's music ambassadors by traveling from America to Japan, from Canada to Brazil, and to many countries in Europe. BaBa ZuLa, who draw inspiration from traditional folk music, blends their musical roots with contemporary music. They don't take the easy way out, which is why their music is unique and cannot be imitated. On one hand, there is funk, on the other hand, electronic, but the point of origin for all of them is the music made on our homeland; the result is Turkish psychedelic. BaBa ZuLa celebrated their 20th anniversary with the album "XX," then released "Derin Derin" in 2019 under the GlitterBeat label. As pioneers of Turkish psychedelic music, BaBa ZuLa released their 11th LP, "Hayvan Gibi," on their 25th anniversary. The album, which is the group's first live studio recording, was recorded using the direct-to-disc method at Artone Studios, under Night Dreamer Records & Gülbaba Records labels.